Generation BSC: A Baby-Sitters Club Podcast

Kate and Lauryn are proud members of Generation BSC making their way through the Baby-Sitters Club series one book at a time.

About the show

Kate Vlasek and Lauryn Hunter are two women in their mid-thirties who generally geek out about all things pop culture, particularly nostalgic pop culture. A spur-of-the-moment purchase of a random assortment of Baby-Sitters Club books on eBay sparked the excitement that would become Generation BSC.

And what is Generation BSC? First, it’s a micro-generation Kate and Lauryn have identified with between Generation X and Millennials. This micro-generation has also been called the Oregon Trail Generation, Generation Catalano, the Star Wars Generation, Xennials, and Elder Millennials - essentially, for our purposes, those born between 1980 and 1985 who would have read Baby-Sitters Club books as they were being released in the late 80s and early 90s. (As an aside, we've come to realize since starting our journey with the Baby-Sitters Club, however, that Generation BSC really is anyone who has grown or is growing up with the BSC, but we're examining it from our perspective in particular.) Second, it’s a biweekly episodic podcast where Kate and Lauryn revisit each book in the Baby-Sitters Club series both looking back at how they approached the topics and themes when they read the books as children and comparing that with how they approach the same topics and themes in 2019 (and beyond).

Eventually, the podcast will include guests and “Very Special Episodes” where Kate and Lauryn visit other pop culture from the same era and later, using the Baby-Sitters Club and Generation BSC as a jumping off point for discussion.

Whether you’ve loved the Baby-Sitters Club since childhood or are jumping in for the first time, you’ll have a great time reading along with Kate and Lauryn.

Generation BSC logo created by Jordyn Hunter.

Generation BSC: A Baby-Sitters Club Podcast on social media


  • Episode 005: Dawn and the Impossible Three!

    November 19th, 2019  |  57 mins 20 secs
    main series, mary anne

    After becoming the Alternate Officer of the BSC, Dawn takes on primary responsibility for babysitting the so-called “Impossible Three” Barrett children. There are very problematic aspects of this story and WE. HAVE. FEELINGS. The continuing discussion on maturity takes an extreme turn in this episode due to the negligent and borderline absentee parenting by Mrs. Barrett. We recognize our prior mistaken overlooking of Claudia’s race and look forward to our future opportunities to bring other perspectives into our conversations. On a lighter note, Kate and Lauryn wrap up the episode with a discussion their favorite babysitting charges, Jackie Rodowsky and Jamie Newton in particular for both and Charlotte Johansson for Kate.

  • Episode 004: Mary Anne Saves the Day!

    November 5th, 2019  |  1 hr 7 mins
    main series, mary anne

    Mary Anne takes a stand and saves the day in multiple ways. After a huge fight where the girls aren't speaking, Mary Anne makes a new friend in Dawn Schafer and grows as a person before bringing the Core Four back together, taking care of a very sick child, getting her dad to see her as more mature and ready for more freedom. The conversation about maturity continues, with a focus on jealousy, growing pains, and conflict as a catalyst for action. Kate and Lauryn also discuss the BSC in Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the resurgence of the Baby-Sitters Club in pop culture generally.

  • Episode 003: The Truth About Stacey!

    October 22nd, 2019  |  1 hr 9 mins
    main series, stacey

    Stacey reveals the shocking truth! … she has diabetes? And also her parents refuse to face reality and keep pursuing miracle cures, to the detriment of Stacey’s mental and emotional health. Kate and Lauryn continue their discussions of maturity, how being older definitely does not make one wiser or more responsible, the entirely reasonable fear of crying at school, and medical personal autonomy. Lauryn recounts her time acting as her dad’s personal Siri after Kate clarifies Generation X, Millennials, and Generation BSC based on how each group deals with questions of fact while out at a bar. They also touch on what it really meant to be a nerd back in the day and updates to the book that include removing references to human garbage and adjusting for inflation. Also get excited for our future Very Special Episode to discuss Ulysses!

  • Episode 002: Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls!

    October 8th, 2019  |  1 hr 54 secs
    claudia, main series

    Before there were actual BSC Mysteries, there was the original - Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls. Are the girls being stalked by the actual Phantom Caller (who wants to steal… their hair ribbons…)? Or is there something else to this mystery? Kate and Lauryn’s Great Ideas touch on growing pains related to varying levels of maturity, sibling rivalry, what it means to be “smart,” imagination, and the ability of pre-teen girls to escalate to dramatics quickly. Lauryn can’t wait to discuss a certain Core Four member’s sexuality as she continues to explore her own, and Kate breaks down the ins and outs of IQs.

  • Episode 001: Kristy's Great Idea!

    September 25th, 2019  |  46 mins 42 secs
    kristy, main series

    Spoiler Alert: Kristy has a GREAT idea and that idea is to create the Baby-Sitters Club. Kate and Lauryn discuss their own Great Ideas related to family structure, gender, children’s understanding and insight into the adult world, nostalgia, and their excitement to keep reading. Lauryn expresses concern with being called babyish and Kate compares a trip to Blockbuster to ignorance in Ancient Rome. They also touch on fashion, Claudia’s hidden snacks, and Lauryn’s obsession with the timeline, of course.

  • Episode 000: An Introduction to Generation Baby-Sitters Club!

    September 23rd, 2019  |  33 mins 15 secs

    Kate and Lauryn introduce themselves, the podcast, and what the hell Generation BSC even means. Get to know them and what this whole thing is going to be (at least what Kate and Lauryn think it’s going to be before they even really get started) while they extol the virtues of Cleveland, Ohio, Nalgene bottles, and American Hi-Fi and Lauryn makes her first reference to Elder Millennials.